Migration Update – June 28, 2011

In steep contrast to the abundance of water in the north, extreme drought conditions persist across much of the south. While the start of the 2011 – 2012 Duck Hunting season is a number of months away for southern hunters, water management should already be on the minds of those with private lands. According to the latest climate prediction models, precipitation will remain below average throughout the summer months in the south. With duck production expected to be well above average this year, the difference between success and failure could be directly linked to habitat construction and control.

Hello folks, and, as always, welcome to Waterfowler.com.

The 2011 Waterfowl Breeding and Habitat Survey is expected to be released in the coming weeks. All indications are that the report will bring great news to the waterfowl hunting community. If you were following the biologist and survey team reports on Flyways.us throughout the month of May, you are already aware of the exceptional breeding conditions the teams encountered across the survey zones. If you are not already counting down the days to duck season, you should be, as it will likely provided the best duck numbers we have seen in a decade or more. For a complete recap of the survey team reports, visit FLYWAYS. US today.

Early teal and goose seasons are fast approaching in the northern states and opening days is just over two months away in many areas. This essentially leaves about eight weekends to get your dog in shape, the blind tidy up and any off-season projects started and then completed before the hunting season us upon us. Throughout the month of July and August, many states hold their annual lottery drawings for duck blind spaces and public access areas. These lands are managed on the federal, state, local and county levels. Be sure to do you research the appropriate government office to insure you don’t miss out on any possible hunting opportunity. Hunters often overlook lands that are managed on the county level and they are often some of the best-kept secrets in all of waterfowl hunting. When exploring opportunities online and off, leave no stone unturned and you will reap the rewards for your efforts.

Waterfowler.com would like to remind our members that the State Forums provide as a meeting ground for fellow waterfowl hunters in your area. Participating in off-season discussions are a great way to expand your social network of fellow hunters by exchanging ideas, tactics and habitat observations for your state. Sharing information and hunting opportunity with fellow waterfowl hunters is a great way lengthen your season and experience, so log in today and join the conversation.

Waterfowler.com will publish the results of the annual habit survey as soon as the numbers are available, so be sure to check in often in the coming week.

Until our next report, fishing trips are a great way to scout fall opportunity so get the boat out today.

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