August 1, 2002 Migration Update

Welcome to the new site! Have a look around, push a few buttons and make yourself at home.
Hello, folks, and, as always, Welcome to — version 4.0.

Well, here we go again. We’ve gotten bigger, have more readers, house more data and for the 4th time has undergone a facelift and technology overhaul. Simply put, the more data we have the more difficult it becomes to let you know where it is, what it says and where to find it. Continue reading

July 23, 2002 – Migration Update

With pond counts down dramatically and the overall waterfowl population dropping again this year, waterfowlers had begun to brace themselves for shorter seasons and lower bag limits. But just when it seemed certain that changes were on the way for the 2002-2003 waterfowl season, the Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group submitted a recommendation to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service to allow another year in the liberal season framework. Also included in this year’s proposal is the much debated extension of both opening and closing dates for seasons that fall within the Liberal and Moderate regulatory alternatives. Continue reading

July 16, 2002 – Migration Update – Waterfowl Breeding Survey

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week released the May Pond Count and Breeding Duck survey, and it looks as though this years drought has had the expected effect. Total pond numbers fell 41% from last year, 48% in Prairie Canada and 32% in Northcentral U.S.
Dry conditions and a late spring were cited by the USFWS in the fall in Breeding bird numbers which declined by 14% for 2002. A partial breakdown of the numbers looks like this : Continue reading

July 3, 2002 – Migration Update

Speaking of fireworks, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission last week set off a round of their own by voting unanimously to ban commercial guiding operations on all State run Wildlife Management Areas. Public concern over crowding and other issues led the commission to expand the guiding ban that had been previously restricted to only a few of the more heavily impacted state owned hunting areas.

In other access related news, the Congressional Sportsmen\’s Foundation has published an online survey to gather information from hunters regarding access to federal lands. The CSF hopes to use the information gathered from the survey to identify recommendations and develop potential solutions that will aid Congress, federal agencies and the hunting/conservation community to improve hunter access to federal public lands. Continue reading

June 24, 2002 – Migration Update

The longest day of the year has passed, and only one season now stands between the waterfowler and their time of year. It’s all downhill from here!

Summer is upon us and though the heat of July and August lay ahead, the shrinking days and news from those in charge are building our momentum as we return again to Autumn.

Some relief was to be had this week from the drought of information and long spell of hot debate over the shape and substance of the 2002-2003 waterfowl season. The Canadian Wildlife Service has released it‘s regulations for migratory game birds. Also this year, Waterfowl Heritage Days ( a program designed to introduce young people to the world of waterfowling ) will be held one week prior to the start of the regular season in most areas. Be sure to check this year’s regulations for any changes. Continue reading

June 17, 2002 Migration Updater

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this past week that it would be taking public comment on several proposed changes and modifications effecting the setting of waterfowl seasons for this coming fall. Among them are the ever popular season framework extensions, and the possibility of adding days to seasons for mid latitude states to compensate for the projected harvest distribution inequities brought about by earlier opening dates in the north and later closing dates in the south.

In the interest of furthering knowledge of wetlands and waterfowl conservation education, Ducks Unlimited launched two new web sites this past week. Continue reading

June 11, 2002 – Migration Update

The US Fish and Wildlife service is seeking public comment on the Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. The plan will guide the management of some 12,000 acres of habitat in eight separate units along a thirty plus mile section of the Minnesota River. For more information on the proposed plan and information on having your voice heard, click here. Continue reading

June 4, 2002 – Migration Update

Rumor and speculations about the upcoming duck seasons and bag limits are rising faster than the mercury in the Mississippi Delta. With the data necessary for such decisions still incomplete, it seems waterfowlers have cooked up every option possible in their attempts to predict the framework for the 2002-2003 waterfowl season. And though the rumor mill will no doubt continue producing such speculations as the return to the point system and long seasons but low bag limits perhaps some light reading can help to demystify the process and possibilities for our upcoming waterfowl season.