Migration Update – October 28, 2011
Mallards have begun to move out of Canada according to the latest Mallard Migration Status map from the Missouri Department of Conservation. Mallard numbers have increased in northwestern North Dakota, as well as central Minnesota. Drought Conditions across the eastern Central Flyway and western Mississippi Flyway continue to impact waterfowl distribution at this time, with the bulk of migration birds sticking to river systems and large water impoundments. Hello folks, and, as always, welcome to Waterfowler.com. As gadwall, pintail, teal and widgeon creep slowly to the south in the Central Flyway, their options for good habitat diminish quickly. There are many concerns amongst waterfowl biologists that even if birds push to coastal marshes in the south, their need for inland fresh water will not be met on traditional wintering grounds. While some predict birds will continue south into Mexico, and others hope drift east to Louisiana or Mississippi, wherever the… Continue reading