Wisconsin Duck and Goose Hunting Report Archive
Posted By: DU870 Web Member 12-03-2012 09:04 – – – Hunted Saturday morning and ended the season on a good note. Shot my 4 green heads and left the river with ducks still flying. Didn’t see a ton of birds but enough to keep us interested. My lab had some great retrieves and reminded me that she has the nose and I need to remember when she takes off and is looking in other places, that is probaly where the bird is. She is starting to really get the game figured out. Overall the season was a bit slower but did have enough birds for several meals and even some jerky was made(geese). If we get rain next year could be really good. These dried up marshes and small ponds are full of weeds and habitat, fill those with water and we will hold birds. Posted By: MallardKingWI Web Member… Continue reading