Virginia Duck and Goose Hunting Report Archive
Posted By: bsballdreamer Guest shore 12-19-2006 08:45 Sunny & Clear, Winds Calm – 45-50 Degrees hunted a pond today and was surprised to see the number of big ducks around. a lots of mallards and black ducks and about 50 canadians. we also got to see the shuttle launch up close and personal about 7am. rough roads lead to smooth people Posted By: ejpantalone Guest Centreville Maryland 12-18-2006 09:38 Cloudy, Heavy Fog – 40-45 Degrees Bismuth kills like lead.. maybe better, December 3, 2006 By MrHappyDuck from Eastern Shore, Maryland “I gave away 8 boxes of Hevi-shot after one day of duck hunting with Bismuth. You don’t need any “follow-up” shots when using Bismuth. If you hit your duck or goose it’s dead before it hits the water (or ground.) Even professional guides are amazed at how quickly Bismuth kills waterfowl, no more wounding or crippling birds for me. I’ll… Continue reading