Migration Update – May 11, 2011

The May breeding and habitat survey is underway across the United States and Canada. Despite weather delays for some survey teams the good news has already begun roll in with the biologist reports at Flyways.us. Reports from South Central Saskatchewan are nothing short of amazing — with an abundance of ducks taking advantage of new water in the area.

Hello folks, and, as always, welcome to Waterfowler.com.

With the early teal and goose seasons less than four months away in some states, it is difficult to imagine that the breeding ducks that are currently be counted by the survey teams will mate, nest and raise at least one brood of ducklings that will begin migrating in just a few short months – when a good portion of our audience haven’t even started fishing yet.

Yes, the off-season feels shorter and shorter each year and technology continues to provide the waterfowl community real-time access to information and data that was, before Internet popularity, shrouded in mystery. If you have yet to visit Flyways.us this season you are missing out on both a chance to understand how the season and bag limits are determined and possibly the best off-season motivation a hunter can find. Conditions on the Prairie Pothole region are phenomenal and there are going to be ducks this year – a lot of ducks.

There is excitement in the air at Flyways.us – not just for hunters to discover but within the reports of the biologists. As you read the reports that unveil the faces and passion of the survey participants, you can almost feel the pulse of the Prairie as you ride along in the cockpit with the aerial survey teams. The reports feature team submitted photographs and a summary of the progress. From weather delays to new discoveries, it’s a reality show duck hunters can get lost in.

So what are you waiting for? Click over to Flyways.us today and witness our tax dollars at work and fuel your visions of hope for the coming season.

Before you run off, Waterfowler.com would like to officially announce the planned launch of our FREE iPhone Migration App for the coming season. The application will integrate the current migration map into iPhone format and allow real-time viewing and data entry from your mobile device. The app is expected to be online in the AppStore by mid-august – for early season use.

Until our next report, visit Flyways.us at the link below.

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Publisher and Webmaster of Waterfowler.com.
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