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new geese here , scattered along the platte river
Hunting has been real sporadic here in central Nebraska. Saturday morning you could look in any direction and see ducks. They flew all day with the occasional flock of specs and snows passing through. Ducks are hard to decoy and the geese won’t even look. Sunday the complete opposite only a handful of ducks the first hour and no geese. Taking Thursday and Friday off this week with the front coming through so we will see what happens.
The 2015 season starts in a week and we are starting to see some of the early migrants show up here in Central Nebraska on the Platte River. We have more water than we have had for a couple of years so now we just need mother nature to cooperate and bring the birds at the right time. the rest will be up to us. Good luck to all and have a safe season, don’t forget to take a kid if you get the chance.
The first two days of the season defiantly didn’t disappoint us. There were a lot of birds and they worked pretty well but shut off around 8:30 on Saturday. Sunday just as many birds but the activity lasted until 10:30 or so. We saw several specs both days. We will see what the front later this week does to the birds hoping it only makes it better.
Reverse migration started last week and we are seeing a variety of geese. Need a south wind to get them going good . We do have enough birds to hunt .
Here in south central nebraska we are starting to hold canada geese on city lakes and private sandpits. Still not alot of hunting pressure yet but guessing that will change towards the end of week (nov 22) as firearm deer season ends. Observed several flocks of geese going up the river from 4:00 pm till dusk this afternoon . I have not hunted the last three years and look forward to getting back in the blind . Neighbors did well on ducks in the middle of last the week in the river but that slowed down sunday . Many limits of mallards taken last tuesday through friday.
Deep freeze in NE. Hoping for some sunshine and less wind
I traveled from Des Moines to Omaha. to Columbus, back down to Lincoln, then up to Sioux Falls.:
Snow cover stops on I-80 about the Atlantic area. Snow on I-29 is clear up to about Onawa. Everywhere I traveled in Nebraska was open ground.
The Platte River from Columbus to Omaha is an ice flow. There are a few open stretches that the honkers are sitting on but 90% ice covered. I did not see any open water ponds or lakes.
I did not see a single flock of snow geese. No ducks either.
The honkers have some holes in deep or moving water but nothing else. Some of our group tried to set up in SW Iowa on Thursday. The ground is still frozen and they could not drive stakes. Had to use only rings. No open water to speak of.
Sorry guys, no good news yet
Not many report on here like there have been in recent years, is there no one hunting or are folks just not using the site? Anyway I have seen an increase in goose numbers in our area and have been watching one field south of my house that big numbers of ducks and geese have been using the last three nights. Not much open water around but the river seems to be opening back up. We are going to give it a try again this weekend we are hoping with open water in the pond we can get some birds interested however that was not the case last week. I will post our results.
Couldn’t hunt today but one of my partners took out three of the kids that hunt with us from time to time and they had three geese in the first half hour. After that they just shut down, they only saw one mallard all morning. The activity in our area is starting to baffle me but we will keep going regaurdless of the sucess.
RB — Bet those kids had a great time. Be sure to post pics with your reports when you have them.
~ Webmaster
We have plenty of pics I just need to figure out how to post them.Talked to the guys yesterday that hunt up river about a half a mile from us and they had a few ducks and two geese by 11:00. With 800K ducks sitting on the river system directly north of us in S.D. this weekend should be good if they don’t blow right through.
Hunted everyday last week on the Platte here in Central Nebraska. The first part of the week was very slow for both ducks and geese but started picking up on Friday. Duck numbers are low in our area but goose numbers are fair and pretty consistant from day to day. Had a decent day yesterday killing eight geese and two mallards. Hunting the river channel is tough due to the slush but we are fortunate to have a small pond with an ice eater. Hope the numbers continue to increase and the ducks move into our area. It should be very good the next couple of weeks.
coming down 12/8 do you think it is to late hunt alburn area
Does anyone know or have a contact for Art Marshall who was a VFE on this site a couple years ago?
Seeing a few more flocks of geese between Scottsbluff and Bridgeport on Saturday.
Hunted the Platte here in Central Nebraska this last weekend and there were a good number of birds. Shot all GWT on Saturday and the specs were on the move but flying high. Sunday we only shot two teal and the rest of the bag was Gadwalls and Wiegons and saw zero geese.
Hunted Saturday and it was very slow. Heard some shots. Good luck to all this season.
It was not a very good teal season in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska, at least for me and my hunting buddies. This was due to the lack of water around the Shickley/Geneva area. Hoping that the duck opener this weekend will be worthwhile and will report back on this site next week. Some of the farmers are harvesting but it has been very dry in the area all summer/fall.
Traveled from Blair across to Columbus, over to York and down into Kansas.
Birds just moved into Columbus area this last weekend 3/16. Conditions in the area are still dry but the birds are around the river east of the city limits of Columbus out to maybe as far as 20 miles east of town Snow early on the ground today. At noon heading down the highway everything was heading back to the river for water. Huge flocks in the thousands grouping together in the tens of thousands over the river.
Several flocks in the York area moving all directions, but mostly south and east. It was 4:00 in York area. Looked like they were in between feeding. No high flyers. Flock size over 500.
South of York several flocks cited moving south. I followed one flock fifteen miles before I called off the search and got back on the main highway.
Sighted birds all the way down into Kansas. In Kansas medium size flocks (500 or less) broken down into smaller flying groups. Some as small as a couple dozen. Could have been juvies playing catch up. All flocks sited were headed north. They were really low to the groud.
I did not see a spread of decoys or anyone hunting. No water for the birds to drink. I could not find and ponds or groups sitting on water. Platte River has birds all over it. Some of the ponds in north Kansas were covered with ducks but no snow geese sighted on water. Plenty of birds to hunt in the area.
A lot of dark geese in the area now. The last week of goos season was fantastic killing limits 6 out of the last seven days of the season. We even killed specs during the two days it was open in February in our unit. Starting to see some snows and have heard reports of some good sucess in central Nebraska.
Nothing to report here… Birds were moving pretty good last Sat, but not much activity this week… Had 100’s of mallets on the pond every morning since the close of the duck season – go figure.
New geese showing up the last 2 days. Handful of snows and specks, mostly chickens.